Another Step Forward
“He who is not every day conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
A few days ago, I spoke to a university student who received the dreaded rejection letter for admission into a graduate program that was very important to her.
In fact, she was willing to relocate from San Antonio to Chicago to pursue her dream. Her husband and young family were ready to make the move if her application was accepted.
However, the letter made it clear that “while her qualifications were strong, other candidates were a better fit.”
As I heard this student share her story with me, it was obvious she was hurt. Not only were her GPA and GMAT above average, but she had also accumulated 7 years of international work experience.
It seemed, at least to me, that she would be accepted with flying colors. I had written a letter of recommendation for her after observing her work ethic in my classes and reviewing her résumé.
As we neared the end of our phone call, I asked her about her future plans, and she said the following …
“The fact is that I think I was qualified to gain acceptance, but I suppose the admissions committee saw it differently. I know one thing about me though … I will take the next step forward, and I will use this obstacle as a motivation to become even better. Dr. Flores, rest assured I will be stronger because of this situation.”
There is a very important message here, right?
I remember failing to win an award in high school that was given to a male and female scholar- athlete. My GPA was strong, and I lettered in three sports.
Yes … even 40 years later, I remember failing to earn this award. I still use this “rejection” as a motivation today.
The good thing about life is that success comes in many ways, such as the following …
Complete a university degree in a field that is important to you.
Pursue an employment opportunity that makes you happy and where you earn a salary commensurate with your qualifications and experience.
Find a significant other that you will love and respect for the rest of your life.
Look for opportunities to share your time, talents, and treasure with worthy causes.
The Next Step
I am blessed to have served as a university professor for the past 34 years. While it’s true that I have worked in the industry for more than a decade, my passion is to be in a classroom with forward-thinking individuals.
I think all teachers appreciate the positive energy that takes place in a classroom. We know we are making a difference in the lives of many people, and this is the drive that keeps us coming back.
The student in the earlier example reminded me of something very important … regardless of the obstacles I encounter in life, it is important to take another step forward.
It might be a small step forward, but that is all I need to keep the momentum going.
This is probably why I write this weekly blog … it keeps me connected to people I consider my friends.
See you next!
Inspiring Quotes
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”— Anais Nin
“In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost
Homework Inquiry
During the next week, here’s your homework inquiry: What fear will you overcome?
I use this opportunity to share with you a unique story and a couple inspiring quotes. Oh ... as a professor at heart, you guessed it, I have a homework inquiry for you. This is a powerful question that might just trigger you to take action on something that really matters in your life. If you feel the Catalyst Newsletter brings benefit to you.