Proud Mother
“When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.” – Mitch Albom
I was recently teaching an MBA class via Zoom, and I arrived 15 minutes early which gave me a chance to chat with some of the students who were there in advance of the session.
One student, Linda, had missed the week before because she and her husband were visiting their son, who was pursuing a graduate degree from a prestigious university on the East Coast. I was aware of the trip because she had asked about make-up work.
ME: “Linda, how did the trip to visit your son go?”
LINDA: “We had a great time, and I have something to share about it. As it turns out, the professors welcome visiting parents to attend a live class, and we even get to sit in the front of the room. It was so cool because the instructor was discussing the Enron case with the students, and he kept the conversation engaging by using the Socratic Method.”
ME: “Were you nervous that you were going to be called to participate?”
LINDA: “Ha! I hadn’t thought about that, and I’m glad that did not happen. What did happen, though, is that our son raised his hand and answered one of the tough questions. The professor was pleased with the response, and the rest of the students erupted in a big applause! I was such a proud mother!”
Linda went on to tell me that the Q&A was staged so her son would get a chance to respond, and the applause was part of the tradition for the parents in attendance. Regardless, the experience was rewarding, and she was so very proud of her boy.
The top of the hour arrived, and we transitioned to the topic of the day. However, this beautiful story about kids has been on the top of my mind for a few days.
I love seeing parents show pride when their kids excel in worthwhile endeavors.
We are blessed with four terrific kids, and some may know that our eldest is now with the Lord in heaven.
It’s true that we’ve had challenging moments with our children, but all parents know this is part of the deal. Overall, however, they have given us so many beautiful moments, which have made us very proud.
Interestingly, we’ve even been proud of them when they have fallen short of their goals. As their parents, we can see the big picture, and we know that success comes in many different forms.
When they fall short of expectations, it is our job to help them get back on their feet …
“All is good. You worked hard, and it did not turn out this time, so let’s look at Plan B.”
“The timing seemed to work against you this time. From what I can tell, this has little to do with your qualifications because you have what it takes. When is the next time you can apply? What can you do in the meantime to be ready?”
One thing I know for sure is that we are going to be lifelong cheerleaders for our children.
If you think about it, they have made us proud since the day the Lord blessed us with their arrival.
The more I think about it, the happier I am that parenting is something I will do for the rest of my life.
God is good! All the time!
Inspiring Quotes
“There’s nothing called a perfect parent, so just be a real one.” – Sue Atkins
“Every word, facial expression, gesture, or action on the part of a parent gives the child some message about self-worth.”— Virginia Satir
Homework Inquiry
During the next week, here’s your homework inquiry: How will you show your children that you love them?
I use this opportunity to share with you a unique story and a couple inspiring quotes. Oh ... as a professor at heart, you guessed it, I have a homework inquiry for you. This is a powerful question that might just trigger you to take action on something that really matters in your life. If you feel the Catalyst Newsletter brings benefit to you.